The Long Moment: Giving A Voice to the Alzheimer’s Mind

Living Life in Long Moments is the Key to Communicating with the Alzheimer’s Mind.

Product Details
Published in 2014 by Cimarron International Press
7 x 10 Inches
ISBN: 978-0989460002
Price: $21.50 + $4.95 Shipping & Handling (United States)

The book gets inside the Alzheimer’s consciousness and offers understanding and tools to help caregivers communicate more effectively, fill periods of silence with joy and stimulating activity and move from a critical, judging place to one of empathy and acceptance.

Alzheimer’s expert Jytte Lokvig describes the book as follows:

This exciting book is not just for caregivers but offers the Alzheimer’s patient a real voice to communicate their needs when conversational skills have disappeared. Richard Fenker offers us a personal and very unique perspective on how Alzheimer’s affects different types of consciousness and how our cultural dependency on left-brain or speech-oriented consciousness often locks a friend or family member with the disease in a prison of silence.